Emmerdale: Matty takes a risk by telling his cellmate that he is transgender. What happens next?

Matty Barton sits in his jail cell in Emmerdale
He senses it’s the right thing (Picture: ITV)

Hats off to Ash Palmisciano, who has perfectly played Matty Barton’s palpable terror and intense anxiety at being a transgender man in an all-male prison in Emmerdale.

It’s been a difficult but eye-opening watch as he has navigated adjusting to live behind dangerous bars not only as an innocent man, but an innocent trans man.

Because of his predicament, Matty has been sleeping with one eye open, mostly avoiding the shower, and refusing to take his meds for fear of the ramifications of anyone finding out he is trans.

He is adamant that no one must know his true gender identity, but a huge leap of faith sees him throw that all out of the window and confide in new cellmate Les.

But is it a huge mistake?

Matty confronted by Les in Emmerdale
Matty has worried about revealing his identity to everyone (Picture: ITV)

At first, Les put the fear of God in Matty by taunting him and asserting his dominance. But since then, they seem to have found their footing. Meanwhile, Matty has found himself a different bully in the form of Robbo.

Robbo senses something is off about Matty and sets about intimidating him into revealing whatever truth he is hiding. But as Robbo turns up the heat, Les steps in.

Robbo backs down, but only temporarily, and Matty is more scared than ever as he knows Robbo isn’t letting this go, especially as Matty now seems to have a protector.

He’s already had a spotlight shone on him through preferential treatment, and this only further paints a target on his back.

Les seems to want to take Matty under his wing and starts trying to coach him into how to act in prison. This act of kindness breaks down Matty’s walls and he asks Les how he’s perceived in prison, deciding to put Les’ advice into practice.

After experiencing some success, Matty makes the huge leap of faith and tells Les the full truth. Les is taken aback and probes on why Matty chose to come to a male prison.

He has a stark warning for Matty – while he says he intends to keep his nose of out Matty’s business, others won’t and he’s at risk.

Can Les be trusted, or will he put Matty in danger by sharing the secret?

It’s truly commendable how Ash Palmisciano has portrayed Matty Barton’s struggles and fears as a transgender man in a male prison on Emmerdale. The intense anxiety and palpable terror he displays are a stark reminder of the challenges faced by individuals in such situations.

Matty’s decision to confide in his cellmate Les shows a moment of vulnerability and courage. However, the question remains – can Les be trusted with such a sensitive secret? The consequences of this revelation could be dangerous for Matty, as he faces the risk of being exposed and targeted by others in the prison.

Robbo’s intimidation tactics only add to Matty’s fears and struggles. The constant threat of being discovered looms large, pushing Matty to continue hiding his true identity in order to protect himself.

Les stepping in to offer guidance and support could be a turning point for Matty. Will this newfound alliance provide Matty with the protection he needs, or will it put him at even greater risk?

As Matty navigates the dangers of prison life, the audience is left wondering about the potential consequences of his decision to reveal his true identity. The emotional turmoil and fear he experiences are a reminder of the harsh realities faced by transgender individuals in society.

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Source: The Wall Street Journal

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