Emmerdale news: Dawn denies reusing drugs, but as Bill understands his wife so well, has he found evidence?

There have been some not-so-obvious and some glaring signs that Dawn Taylor (Olivia Bromley) is headed for some kind of breakdown over Evan’s illness in Emmerdale.





The glaring was her alluding to wanting to turn back to drugs to make the pain and angst go away – she even resorted to drinking in the middle of the day in a bid to block out the truth.





The more subtle signs saw her check a little more often than she should that the children weren’t carrying germs, and staying at the hospital every day as a concerned mother would, but in truth it was in part not wanting to leave and bring back bugs that could kill her son.






In fairness to her she’s had good reason to be afraid, with Evan catching a fever which turned into an infection and threatened his survival chances.

But it’s all adding up to a worrying picture for Dawn, despite the fact they recently had the good news that the little lad could finally go home.

What should be a beautiful day arrives for the family – the day he is released from hospital. For Dawn, this is the catalyst for her paranoia to consume her.

She’s now terrified that if the kids come anywhere near him, he’s as good as dead, which is driving a wedge between her and her other children.

Billy Fletcher (Jay Kontzle) notices her extreme worry and becomes concerned that all is not right.

Though Dawn balked at the suggestion she would turn back to drugs, could Will’s instincts end up being proven right when the worry becomes too much?

Rose Jackson (Christine Tremarco) is on hand to try and use this as more leverage as she plays on vulnerability by adopting the motherly act with a few supportive words.

Despite the games she’s playing, could Rose be the one to save Dawn?

As the pressure continues to mount on Dawn Taylor in Emmerdale, her desperation and fear are reaching alarming levels. The recent scare with Evan’s infection has taken a toll on her mental and emotional well-being, leading her to contemplate drastic measures to protect her son. Her struggles are not going unnoticed, with Billy Fletcher growing increasingly concerned about her state of mind. The tension within the family is palpable, with Dawn’s paranoia driving a wedge between her and her other children.With Rose Jackson lurking in the background, offering a false sense of support, Dawn’s vulnerability is being exploited for someone else’s gain. Rose’s motives may not be pure, but could her presence ultimately be what saves Dawn from herself? The dynamic in the household is fragile, with each passing day bringing new challenges and obstacles for Dawn to navigate.As the storyline unfolds, viewers are left to wonder whether Dawn will be able to overcome her inner demons and find a way to move forward for the sake of her family. The stakes are high, and the road ahead is anything but smooth for this troubled character. Stay tuned to Emmerdale to see how Dawn’s journey unfolds and whether she will find the strength to conquer her fears.

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Source: Tampa Bay Times

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